Bach Flower Remedies are flower essences developed by Dr Bach (Edward Bach, 1886-1936), a physician with great love for Nature who spent his life searching for the purest method of healing.
More then 80 years ago he created a simple and natural healing system of 38 flower remedies.
Remedies are prepared from the simple wild flowers picked up from the pure natural fields in their authentic natural environment.
Bach flower remedies consists of 38 flowers, and each flower has it's own authentic spirit and vibration. The flower energy gently and naturally work on our negative emotions in order to open our self healing capacity.
Flower vibration works on our specific negative emotions, our internal blocks and limitations that hold us stuck in the past, and help us to achieve emotional balance.
Dr Bach system is based on a belief that every human being is healthy and happy living the life in balance with its own Nature, which means being authentic and true self.
However, sometimes we are living our lives to fulfill other’s expectations, not listening our inner voice, and accepting the life completely opposite of our soul directions.
Bach Flower Remedies help us to make this connection with our authentic and true selves again.
When we are not in our balance, we are suffering and developing disease.
This suffer can cause negative emotions, short or long term emotional disbalance.
The concept and philosophy of this system is the belief that all negative mental and emotional symptoms have a significant impact on developing chronic disease. (“it all comes from head”). Physical disease is just a picture of mental disorder that we develop in our minds, living the life against our Nature.
“Treat the cause not the effect”- as Dr Bach said, this system will treat individual and the real cause rather then just the symptoms of disease. When you eliminate the cause, the disease can not be developed.
Bach Flowers Remedies are completely safe and natural, with no any chemical ingredients. They are not harmful or addictive. There are no side effects, and they may be taken in conjunction with medical or other treatments. They are very gentle, and can safely be taken by all ages from new – born babies to elderly people.